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can be the most difficult part of being a

mentally ill addict with a criminal record


 research from  the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the University of Cambridge, the Journal of the World Psychiatric Association and the University of Washington


suggest serious rexamination of how mentally ill offenders are treated by the criminal justice system and the public at large


 below are links  from prominent scholarly and news sources about mental illness and how it relates to:

violence - domestic violence - sex and drug addiction - criminality


this is not only a personal issue, but a serious societal problem

facts about mental illness and violence

stats about mental illness



Fact 1: The vast majority of people with mental illness are not violent

Fact 3: Inaccurate beliefs about mental illness and violence lead to widespread stigma and discrimination


however: research suggests that victimization from physical violence in an intimate relationship increases the likelihood of poor mental health outcomes for males and females


Only 25% of adults with mental health symptoms

believe that people are caring and sympathetic to persons with

mental illness

researchers found that 3 brain regions

were more active in the brains of people with

compulsive sexual behavior

1.) ventral striatum 2.) dorsal anterior cingulate  3.) amygdala 

were regions that are also particularly activated in

drug addicts

when shown drug stimuli

click the PLOS link to read about

sex addiction neurology research at the Public Library of Science:

domestic violence, interpersonal violence, victimization

according to research from the official journal of the world psychiatric association

the relationship between mental health and crime is a problem spanning the globe


specialists suggest that alternatives to incarceration will help decrease mentally ill-offender recidivism


these are worldwide issues in need of reform          click here for the entire article:


...more research at the university of cambridge suggests that exploring mental health through rapper

Kendric Lamar's lyrics may lead 

to better understanding of the

day-to-day struggles 

patients experience... 

i just woke up dead provides similar insight

research debunks the myth that mental illness and antidepressants increase presumed risk of homicidal behavior 

one more stigma in need of correction

click for the full report


drug addiction

sex addiction


brain activity in 

addiction as a disease represents a pathological usurpation of the mechanisms of reward-related learning and memory

brain changes suggest choice is not the issue


sex drug alcohol addiction

article addiction: a disease of learning and memory

Received Aug. 19, 2004; revision received Nov. 15, 2004; accepted Dec. 3, 2004. From the Department of Neurobiology,  Harvard Medical School , Boston; and the Office of the Provost, Harvard University

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