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research published in Clinical Neuropsychiatry

indicates that suicide rates in bipolar disorder patients

are more than 25 times higher 

than the genearl population


bipolar disorder affects approximately 

 2.6% of americans  age 18+ in a given year

the average age at onset for a first manic episode is during the  early 20s 

statistics from johns hopkins university


each year almost  10% of american adults  age 18+

will suffer from a depressive illness

the average age when major depression develops is the mid-20s



most people who commit suicide have a diagnosable mental disorder -- most commonly a  depressive disorder  or a  substance abuse disorder 

 4 times  as many men than women commit suicide

however women attempt suicide more often than men

statistics from emory university


 864,950 people  attempt suicide in america each year


1 person attempts suicide every 38 seconds


It is estimated that 3.7% of the U.S. population

 8.3 million people  had thoughts of suicide

in the past year

1.0% of the population  2.3 million people 

develop a suicide plan

0.5% 1 million people  attempt suicide


particularly at risk for ideation and attempt:

male - white - under the age of 21


Treatment for depression is very effective

 however  less than 25 percent of people with depression receive adequate care

stigma persists while those seeking treatment

may be hesitant because of widely-held beliefs


reports by medical contributors on attempt to debunk these myths

(for the full report on myths click either button: "psychcentral"  or "read more")


myth: bipolar disorder and depression are completely different diagnoses

fact: bipolar disorder and depression   are not completely different illnesses 


why this stigma is harmful:

patients who believe this myth may oppose diagnosis and treatment

if they do not exhibit "full blown" manic-depressive mood swings


myth: people with bipolar disorder are  not trying  hard enough

fact: bipolar is a serious  medical illness 


why this stigma is harmful:

this implyies that bipolar disorder is a choice

bipolar is no more of a choice than diabetes - but help is available


2013 statistics from the NIAAA:


 24.6 percent of people  ages 18 or older reported that they engaged in binge drinking in the past month

 6.8 percent  reported that they engaged in heavy drinking in the past month


NIAAA definitions -  

binge:   4-5 drinks   (reaching 0.08 BAC) within 2 hours

heavy   5 or more drinks   on the same occasion on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days


“risky” drinking: reaching a peak BAC

between .05 gram percent and .08 gram percent

...but what about the real addicts and alcoholics?

who only drinks 5 drinks in 2 hours reaching a 0.08 BAC?


while fighting demons in ijwd

statistics from the NIAAA only increased stigma 

made substance abuse a   shameful secret  

for the hard-core addicts and alcoholics -

i just woke up dead is for you

booze - cocaine - meth - opiates - pills - weed - needles


it is not pretty and recovery is not easy or likely

but it is possible

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