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sexual assault in a


rarely exists in a vacuum

it often occurs alongside

research from the frameworks institute report that

"without new ways to think about sexual violence 

the public will interpret [this] issue

through the perspective that

sexual violence

can be reduced to

 a problem of individuals

and continue to lack an understanding of what  prevention 

 of sexual violence is and how it might be  implemented  

sexual violence is a systemic issue 

social change is necessary for improvement

click to read the full report

other forms of abusive behavior

i just woke up dead presents a series of sexual events escalating in intensity leaving the reader to decide whether or not they contributed to sexual and domestic violence 

read i just woke up dead TODAY!

 the national institute of justice reports 

 2 out of 3 women who were physically assaulted

by an intimate partner had also been sexually assaulted

by that partner

 80 % of sexually assaulted women

reported more than one incident of forced sex 

silence the stigma - it pays to be brave

 6 %  contacted police after the first  rape  

 8 %  applied for a protective order


women who contacted the police after the first  rape 

were  59 % less likely  to be raped by an intimate partner again 

whether or not the abuser was arrested


women who applied for a protective order after the first  rape 

were 70 % less likely to be raped again 

whether or not the order was obtained

 california senate bill #967 

yes means yes

silence does is not consent

lack of protest or resitance is not consent

taking advantage of an incapacitated person is not consent


click to read the entire bill

yes means yes

President Barack Obama - april 2012

it is up to all of us to ensure victims of sexual violence are not left to face these trials alone  

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